Childcare survey results received

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Christina Bennett
  • 28th Bomb Wing Public Affairs
The 28th Force Support Squadron recently received the results from the November 2018 childcare survey. The results gathered indicate a need for improvements in childcare options offered to service members at Ellsworth Air Force Base.

The survey received a total of 208 inputs, and over half of respondents said they’ve used some form of childcare. The biggest concerns voiced were the cost of childcare, the childcare development center’s education curriculum, and the lack of space in the current base facilities and availability of care for service members that work after hours and weekends. 

“These inputs will serve as a foundation for developing additional childcare capacity on and off base,” said Loretta Vega, the 28th Force Support Squadron deputy director. “We are actively collaborating with civilian developers and civic leaders on options in the local area. Additionally, we are working to recruit and license more family child care Providers.” 

Military spouses or family members are encouraged to apply to become FCC providers and would be able to provide child care from the comfort of their homes. In addition, these providers have the flexibility to set their own hours. 

“To become an FCC provider, the individual has to be 18 years of age or older, has to be able to read, write and speak [in] English, and has to have access to base housing,” said Angela Winchester, the 28th FSS child services flight chief. “Off-base military dependents have to be certified through the state and affiliated with the base.”

FCC providers are held to the same standards as the childcare workers at the CDC and have to undergo the same training. 

“One of the biggest perks is that training is done on base through us for free,” Winchester said.

Aside from recruiting new FCC providers, the base is diligently seeking supplementary resources off of base. Base leadership is working hard to continue improving childcare services at Ellsworth AFB.

“[We are] beginning to strategize future facility growth to support the needs,” said Vega. “Each of these initiatives will take some time, and we expect to reach out to the community again to continue to gather more data.”

For more information on the CDC and FCC programs, staff members at the McRaven CDC can be reached at (605) 385-2488.