ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, S.D. -- Air Force Global Strike Command announced the 28th Bomb Wing as the best bomb wing in the command and presented it with the Fairchild Trophy during the Global Strike Challenge 2023 capstone event Nov. 8.
Global Strike Challenge is the world’s premier bomber and intercontinental ballistic missile operations and maintenance, helicopter operations and security forces competition with units from AFGSC, Air Combat Command, Air Force Reserve Command and the Air National Guard participating.
“This is a phenomenal event to show the American people, the Department of Defense and the rest of the Department of the Air Force how professional, skilled and awesome the men and women of the nuclear enterprise are,” said Gen. Thomas Bussiere, AFGSC commander. “Tonight is a celebration of your excellence in this competition.”
In addition to claiming top honors as the best bomb wing, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, also received the Ellis Giant Sword – recognizing them as the best bomber maintenance team – as well as being the best conventional munitions maintenance team, and the best conventional weapons load team.
The Tigers of the 37th Bomb Squadron also claimed the Mitchell Award for the best bomb category of the competition.
"Every raider at Ellsworth is directly responsible for the wing winning the Fairchild Trophy and tallying up top honors on several other categories of this fierce competition,” said Col. Derek Oakley, 28th Bomb Wing commander. “These are things we do every day, together. I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished and continue to do as a team, and look forward to what we will achieve in the future. Well done Raiders.”
Bussiere told those attending that they now have a responsibility to share what they learned during the competition with their fellow Airmen.
"The competitors and the winners have an obligation to grow those around you stronger next year," he said. "Steel sharpens steel. You make those around you stronger so that they're representing you and your leadership at the next Global Strike Challenge.