Baptisms and Marriage
· Baptisms are celebrated on an individual basis with required baptism formation classes conducted as needed. Parents who wish to have their child baptized must attend.
· Couples wishing to be married in the Catholic Church are required to complete their marriage preparation with the priest, conducted on an individual basis. Contact the chapel six months prior to the wedding date.
Catholic Youth of the Chapel provides high school students monthly socials activities.
Catholic Women of the Chapel provides monthly women's fellowship and study.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
· The Formal process by which non-baptized adults are received into the RC Church.
· Sessions run Fall until Easter.
· Candidates are referred to the local diocese for formal instruction and have mentors.
Lay Minister Opportunities
· Lay Eucharistic Ministers
· Lectors
· Ushers
· Altar Servers
· Musicians, Choir Members
· Catechists
Parish Councils
The Roman Catholic parish has coordinating/advisory groups that provide participants opportunities to assume leadership roles and offer a voice in the direction of the base chapel programs. Meetings are held monthly.