Fourth of July safety message Published June 19, 2007 By Col. Scott Vander Hamm 28th Bomb Wing commander ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, S.D. -- The Fourth of July is always a great occasion in our country and is celebrated with enthusiasm and patriotism. However, as we approach the Fourth July and the halfway point of the "101 Critical Days of Summer" it's important to not misplace our enthusiasm and forget the risks that might be mixed in with some of the fun. President John Adams once wrote of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, "I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. ... It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other." All of us who have the opportunity to celebrate should enjoy that opportunity. Just remember, a Leader never takes a Wingman beyond his capability, and a Wingman doesn't let his Leader do anything dumb. Remind each other to "buckle up" in the car or "grab a cab" after celebrating theĀ Fourth of July Holiday or the end of a long deployment. These simple acts could save a life. Enjoy the Independence Day festivities, but please return safely because our nation needs each one of us. said Gen. Ronald Keys, Air Combat Command commander. I'd like to echo Gen. Keys' words above. The Fourth of July is a great time to honor our country and enjoy time with friends and family. Whether boating, fishing, or lighting up the grill in the backyard, be aware of the risks and take the proper actions to enjoy the day safely. Please remember, Airmen lead by example not only on-duty, but off-duty as well. I've been very impressed with the professionalism and leadership I see around Ellsworth - let's keep up the good work and safely enjoy the last half of the "101 Critical Days of Summer."