PDC- Good For You, Good For Me.

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Michella Stowers
  • 28th Bomb Wing Public Affairs

Throughout an Airman’s career, there will be both assignments and situations that Airmen won’t be prepared for without proper guidance and knowledge. 

The team at Ellsworth Air Force Base’s Professional Enhancement Center noticed these opportunities for improvement by developing courses, lectures and programs that will help assist Airmen to be more successful throughout their military careers.

“We’ve never had an Airman Professional Enhancement Course or similar course before,” said Staff Sgt. Jordan Fishburne, NCOIC of the base’s First Term Airmen Course. “I find it important, because it’s growing you not only as an Airman but as a person.”

Fishburne, along with Master Sgt. Jason Pranzo, the 28th Force Support Squadron career assistance advisor, have made it their mission to provide Airmen with the professional development tools necessary to be successful in their military careers by creating courses for Ellsworth.

APEC, similar to many other courses offered by the PDC brings in speakers from different agencies around base to speak to Airmen.  The main difference is the course’s focus is not strictly limited to career objectives but more of a whole Airman concept is applied in terms of reminding Airmen of opportunities and outlets for them. Teaching airmen how to take care of themselves, mentally, physically, spiritually and how to better themselves in and out of their shops.

“Not all of these courses are required, but all will help Ellsworth Airmen become better leaders,” Pranzo said.

The upcoming Band of Brothers Leadership/Teamwork course, new to Ellsworth, looks at leadership challenges depicted in the Band of Brothers mini-series and allows Airmen to observe, discuss and grow from them.  The goal of the course is to offer students insight into different leadership techniques via the examples as well as the perspectives of their peers.

The Bullet Writing 101 and Bullet Polishing classes give Airmen the tools to better their careers so when it comes time to prepare packages, they are equipped with the know how to convert accomplishments into formatted bullets.  This also helps supervisors help their Airmen be recognized for their hard work and help them to excel in their vocations.

Noncommissioned officer and senior noncommissioned officer professional enhancement seminars give leaders guidance on their careers, re-instilling information and training that may have been forgotten over time. This allows NCOs and SNCOs to rejuvenate their leadership skills and reinforce teachings received earlier in their careers.

The APEC also offers a variety of classes that inform Airmen about their career in the Air Force and after their completion of duty. These programs range from the First Term Airmen Course, a requirement for all first-term Airmen, to the Informed Decision seminar, a requirement for all Airmen pending separation.

FTAC introduces Airmen to their Ellsworth AFB and demonstrates what to expect in their military careers, as well as reinforcing lessons from basic training and tech school. This is accomplished by introducing speakers from different shops around base who inform students about their respective Air Force Specialty Codes and how it effects them.

The Informed Decision seminar gives Airmen tools to make the best decisions before choosing to separate.  The seminar focuses on preparing Airmen for life outside of the military. Agencies from both on the base and from the surrounding community give Airmen valuable knowledge in hopes of developing them for their future endeavors.

Each course offers something unique to help Airmen grow in their careers as well as their personal lives.  More information can be found by contacting FTAC at (605)385-6115.