ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, S.D. -- Ellsworth’s renovated Veterinary Clinic offers affordable and accessible pet care to all military members.
“The main purpose of military clinics is to take care of military working dogs by giving them exams, shots and other procedures,” said U.S. Army Capt. Alexander Glasgow, officer in charge of the vet clinic. “We also make sure that victims of animal bites do not have rabies as well as service military member’s pets.”
Ellsworth’s vet clinic treats dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and other unique animals. The clinic can perform deworming, vaccines, checkups, nail trims, sick calls, and various surgeries for pets.
“The clinic is located across [from] the med group and is a very convenient way for military members to receive pet care because many of them live close to the base,” said Glasgow. “Our services are very affordable and cheap compared to off base providers and is meant to be a cheaper benefit for serving in our military.”
Ellsworth’s clinic can also assist with supporting your pets.
“When moving overseas it is required to have a pets health certificate to get it into a different country, with off base providers not providing this service,” said Glasgow. “We are one of the few bases in the surrounding 4 states that can assist military members with getting pets to other countries during a PCS.”
The clinic is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the week, excluding Thursdays and weekends when they are closed. You can schedule your appointment by calling 605-385-1589.