Better Body Better Life is a five-week Air Force healthy living program that focuses on three major aspects of health- nutrition, behavior and fitness classes Tues-Thursday of every week.
Geri Seal, 28th Medical Group health promotion program manager, has been teaching fitness classes for more than 27 years.
"I truly love my job," Seal said. "It keeps me motivated to see the internal and external changes in the members that come on a consistent basis."
The classroom portion of the BBBL program focuses on nutritional and behavioral tools to assist in living a healthy life. Seal explained that improving on the Air Force physical training test is just a bi-product of coming to the classes or staying fit on your own. She added that you will be more resilient, handle stress better, and sleep better.
Staff Sgt. Nicole Jenkins, 28th Communications Squadron communication project manager, has been attending BBBL fitness classes for more than five months on a regular basis.
"I love her classes," Jenkins said. "I love that every day I am motivated because of how Geri teaches the classes. It always starts my day out on a good note."
Seal notes that when you work out your body produces good hormones to help you fight stress, anxiety and depression. Seal added that your body also creates mitochondria when you work out, which are the power houses of your body, resulting in more energy.
"I encourage everyone to try these classes," Jenkins said. "The day before I attend a class, I go around my building inviting everyone to come with me, because I know that they will not regret it."
The focus each Tuesday is on cardiovascular endurance using indoor cycles. Seal explained that this can be a great workout for those that may be on a running profile, as typically it is less stressful on the joints.
"I focus a lot of the class on form and technique by constantly coaching and sending out different cues on how to improve posture," Seal said. "When you have proper form you will maximize the efficiency of your workout. I also check to see if participants are working in their target heart range during spin classes."
On Wednesdays, the focus is on both cardio and strength. The first half of the class is a cycle class with the second half focused on strength training.
"Classes always start with a warm-up portion and end with a cool down and most importantly a time to stretch," Seal explained. "Proper form and safety trump any additional weight or repetitions. There is a safe way to do any exercise."
Every Thursday the focus is on strength training. Seal targets every major muscle group this class using different forms of resistance including the kettle bell, dumb bell, weighted medicine balls, resistance tubing and body weight.
"My goal is to do everything I can to help our base see the internal benefit of fitness," Seal said. "I think if we stop focusing on the external cues and find some internal motivation there wouldn't be such a negative connotation around fitness."
Seal explained that taking small steps is the key. She says to ease into your program and that if people need help, they can check out reputable online sources such as www.hprc-online.org, visit a dietician, personal trainer or health promotion staff on base.
For more information, contact Geri Seal at (605) 385- 6250