FTAC helps Airmen transition to Ellsworth Published March 18, 2014 By Senior Airman Alystria Maurer 28th Bomb Wing Public Affairs ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, S.D. -- More than 25 Airmen attended a First Term Airman Center course in the Rushmore Center March 3 through 7, designed to help them transition from technical school into the operational Air Force. The course, hosted by the Professional Enhancement Center staff, provided new Airmen with classes and information designed to help them adjust to life at their first duty station. "The FTAC class is a great way for new Airmen to learn more about the mission at Ellsworth," said Tech. Sgt. Jonathan Borries, 28th Force Support Squadron FTAC NCO in charge. "It also helps them get familiar with base facilities and the many different services that are available to them." Representatives from a number of different agencies across the base were present to answer questions and engage participants in activities and briefings. "Base leadership visits with the Airmen during the week as well as individuals from the Airman and Family Readiness Center, Education Center and Equal Opportunity Office," Borries said. "We also have a resiliency day that teaches Airmen about the Comprehensive Airman Fitness concept." Borries explained that the changes to the course implemented July 2013 cater to Airmen in different marital statuses and living situations. "Right now the five-day class is perfect," said Borries. "The final day, we even take a tour of the 28th FSS, which lets the new Airmen go to each facility, receive a briefing from the facility's leaders and become familiar with each service." Following the class, one Airman said he was now more familiar with the base and felt ready to contribute to the mission. "I really had no idea what the mission was at Ellsworth when I arrived," said Airman 1st Class Matthew Gallagher, 28th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron avionics test station technician. "FTAC gave me the opportunity to make friends and see what Ellsworth is all about."