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  • Ellsworth Airmen "Duke it Out" during Battle of the Badges competition

    Gloves were flying as ten Ellsworth Air Force Base active-duty Airmen went toe-to-toe with local law enforcement, fire department, correction officers, military retirees, and emergency medical personnel in front of more than 500 locals in a boxing ring during the Battle of the Badges competition in

  • Supervisor 101: bridging the gap

    The 28th Maintenance Squadron has created an advanced approach to develop the leadership skills of recent Airmen Leadership School (ALS) graduates and first-time supervisors. Supervisor 101 is a four-day course designed to bridge the gap between the broad scope of leadership taught in ALS and the

  • 28th MXS back shop saves AF time, money

    Back shops provide a technical service that Airmen working the flight line depend on in order to keep aircraft running safely, efficiently and smoothly. They spend countless hours troubleshooting components, ordering equipment and fixing parts.  One such back shop at Ellsworth found a way to cut the